New Worlds Scholarship Accounts by Step Up Scholarships for Elementary School

Helping Kids Learn Better

Reading and math are really important for doing well in school

If kids have a hard time with these subjects early on, they might keep struggling later.

That’s where the New Worlds Scholarship Accounts come in. They’re here to give kids in grades K-5 a boost when they need it.

This program helps kids by giving families $500 to use for things that can help them get better at reading and math.

This article will cover who this scholarship is for and how it works.

Who Can Get It?

Kids in grades K-5 in Florida Public Schools can get the New Worlds Scholarship Accounts if they:

  • Have trouble with reading or show signs of dyslexia.
  • Didn’t do so well on the reading test last year.
  • Have trouble with math or show signs of dyscalculia.
  • Didn’t do so well on the math test last year.
  • Kids who are learning English and are in special programs get first dibs.

How It Works

The New Worlds Scholarship Accounts give families an Education Savings Account (ESA). 

It’s like a bank account but for school stuff. 

Families can use the $500 to pay for things that help with reading and math, like:

  • Tutoring for reading and math
  • Programs after school or in the summer that focus on reading or math
  • Books and other stuff that help with reading and math

Families can buy these things directly from the Step Up For Students’ Education Market Assistant (EMA) Marketplace. 

They can also buy stuff on their own and get reimbursed later.

New Worlds Scholarship Accounts by Step Up Scholarships for Elementary School

Giving Kids New Books

New Worlds Reading is a free program in Florida. Every month during the school year, kids in grades K-5 get a free book and activities to go with it. 

Families can pick books based on what their kids like, so they get excited about reading. 

The program also gives them fun activities to help them get better at reading.

Kids can get in on New Worlds Reading if they’re in a special program and not doing so well, or if they’re in grades K-5 in a public or charter school and still need help with reading.

How Much is the New World Scholarship Valued

The New Worlds Scholarship is valued at $500. This amount can be used for:

  • Tuition and fees for part-time tutoring are provided by someone with the right qualifications, like a valid Florida educator’s certificate or relevant degree.
  • Fees for summer education programs focused on improving reading or math skills.
  • Fees for after-school education programs aimed at enhancing reading or math skills.
  • Instructional materials, including desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and curriculum related to reading or math.

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